
In current textbooks, the publishers place chapter key terms (glossary words) as definitions in the margins for students to be able to quickly view these definitions as they read the text (see the definitions below the image in the example marked Figure 1: Sample Page located at the bottom of this page).  In articles that are not in this format (other than textbooks), there are two alternatives that may help students learn the material.  Both methods involve reading text from a web browser/webpage format.  The first example, using JavaScript is more complicated and is shown first.  The second example uses the html title tag and is a more simple, straight forward execution and is shown below the JavaScript code of example 1.

The text in these examples are from an Introduction to Business textbook using a page from a chapter on Business Ethics and demonstrates how these methods would be of value to this discipline, one that typically requires significant amount of vocabulary to understand the material. 

Reading text from a webpage using JavaScript:

The first example is a MouseOver/MouseOut events that use JavaScript to display a box with the definition of the highlighted term.  MouseOver means to move the cursor on the screen over a specific area on the screen.  MouseOut is the opposite or moving the cursor away from a designated area of the screen.  JavaScript, through code, will allow the box to appear when you mouse over the text and disappear when you mouse out or away from the text.  The following snippet of text demonstrates this use of JavaScript.  Simply move your mouse over the terms Ethical Dilemma and Ethics in the text below to see what JavaScript can do.  Notice that when you MouseOut, the boxes disappear.

The situation described above is an example of an Ethical Dilemma, the quandary people find themselves in when they have to decide if they should act in a way that might help another person or group, and is the “right” thing to do, even though doing so might not be in their own self-interest.

Ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs people use to analyze a situation and decide what is “right.” At the same time, ethics also indicate what inappropriate behavior is and how a person should behave to avoid doing harm to another person.

In the above examples, the textboxes that appear simply repeat the definition.  Throughout the chapter, the technology behind these terms can be duplicated every time the terms appear in the text.  This method takes some web programming skills but is not a difficult task to accomplish for any person who has some html web page programming skills.  The code that is involved is produced here below.  Notice that to implement this method, one copies and pastes the code into the webpage noted in 3 section.  Then it only requires a little bit of "tweaking" to get the desired final product. 

Note: The codelibrary.js text file referred to in the section one code is a generic set of instructions that will allow any code that is passed to it to execute the textboxes.  That text file is reprinted at the bottom of this page and should be saved in a separate text file using the codelibary.js name.

Section One Code:

<!-- Add the following lines to your page.  Copy to the tag marked 'end of section one'.

Paste this code just before the </head> tag on your page. -->


<meta name="keywords" content="hypertext using mouse events">

<meta name="description" content="gives example of using textboxes to show additional text on a mouseover event and hide the text on a mouseout event.">


<!-- Copy the codelibrary.js file by right clicking on the hyperlink and choosing 'Save Target As' to save the file to your site. 

Alternatively, add the full path to the location of the text file.  -->


<script src="codelibrary.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

var htwidth = 300;

var availwidth = "";

function init(){

availwidth = getAvailableWidth();

if (availwidth < 600){





function doHT(evt,elementID,vis){


if (window.event){ evt = window.event; }

if (evt){

if (vis=="visible"){

var x = evt.clientX;

if (x > availwidth-htwidth) { x=availwidth-htwidth-30; }

var y = evt.clientY + 15; var z = 4;


var x = 0; var y = 0; var z = 0;








<style type="text/css">

body {background:white; color:black;font-family:serif;}

h3 {font-family:sans-serif; color:maroon;}

b {color:maroon;}

a:link {color: maroon; text-decoration:underline;


a:visited {color: maroon; text-decoration:underline;


a:active {color: maroon; text-decoration:underline;


a:hover {color: maroon; text-decoration:underline;


.ht { position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:250px;

padding:5px; background:#FFFFCC; color:maroon;

border: 3px solid maroon; visibility:hidden; z-index:4;




<body onload="init();">


<!-- end of section one -->

Section Two Code:

<!-- copy this section into your page. Stop where it says 'end of section two' You will replace your hyperlink text with this code. Notice that there are two hyperlinks in this example.-->

<b> <a href="Dewey.htm" onmouseover="doHT(event,'dewey','visible');" onmouseout="doHT(event,'dewey','hidden');"> John Dewey,</a> </b>

<b> <a href="Piaget.htm" onmouseover="doHT(event,'piaget','visible');" onmouseout="doHT(event,'piaget','hidden');"> Jean Piaget.</a> </b>

<!-- end of section two -->

Section three Code:

<!-- Copy the following into your page. Stop where it says 'end of section three' Notice that there are two <div> tags here to correlate with the two hyperlinks above.-->

<div id="dewey" class="ht"> <p> The central focus of Dewey's philosophical interests throughout his career was what has been traditionally called "epistemology," or the "theory of knowledge." </p> </div>

<div id="piaget" class="ht"> <p> Piaget's research in developmental psychology and genetic epistemology had one unique goal: how does knowledge grow? His answer is that the growth of knowledge is a progressive construction of logically embedded structures superseding one another by a process of inclusion of lower less powerful logical means into higher and more powerful ones up to adulthood. </p> </div>

<!-- end of section three -->


Reading text from a webpage using the html Title tag:

When developing a web page that includes text, one can simply execute a "find and replace" in a word processing or web publishing program to include the html tags that would take key terms of the chapter and make the definition quickly available.  The Find and Replace must take place in the coding area of the page, not the design area. 

For example, the word "Ethics" would be replaced with "<A title = "The inner-guiding moral principles and values people use to analyze a situation and decide what is “right.”>Ethics</a>".  To get the Find and Replace dialog box, simply press the Control + F keys on the keyboard (Windows platform).  The following figure shows how to accomplish this change within the Find and Replace dialog box.  Be sure to click the Current Page and All options.

The beauty of this method is that it is simple and by clicking the Replace All button, every occurrence of that word in the document will now show the definition by using the mouseover feature available in electronic formats.

The example below shows the find and replace feature in operation.  MouseOver the terms "ethical dilemma" and "ethics" shown in blue.



Figure 1: Sample  Page




What would you do if you witnessed a mugging?


ethical dilemma
The quandary people

experience when they

must decide whether or

not they should act in a

way that benefits someone

else even if it harms others

and isn’t in their own self interest.



The inner-guiding

moral principles and

values people use to

analyze a situation and

decide what is “right.”


The Nature of Ethics


Suppose you see a person being mugged in the street. How will you behave? Will you act in some way to help even though you risk being hurt? Will you walk away? Perhaps you might adopt a “middle-of-the-road approach” and not intervene but call the police instead? Does the way you act depend on whether the person being mugged is a fit male, an elderly person, or even a street person?  Does it depend on whether there are other people around, so you can tell yourself, “Oh well, someone else will help or call the police. I don’t need to”?



Ethical Dilemmas


The situation described above is an example of an ethical dilemma, the quandary people find themselves in when they have to decide if they should act in a way that might help another person or group, and is the “right” thing to do, even though doing so might not be in their own self-interest. A dilemma may also arise when a person has to decide between two different courses of action, knowing that whichever course he or she chooses will result in harm to one person or group even though it may benefit another. The ethical dilemma here is to decide which course of action is the “lesser of two evils.” People often know they are confronting an ethical dilemma when their moral scruples come into play and cause them to hesitate, debate, and reflect upon the “rightness”

or “goodness” of a course of action. Moral scruples are thoughts and feelings that tell a person what is right or wrong; they are a part of a person’s ethics.


Ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs

people use to analyze a situation and decide what is “right.” At the same time, ethics also indicate what inappropriate behavior is and how a person should behave to avoid doing harm to another person. The essential problem in dealing with ethical issues, and thus solving moral dilemmas, is that there are no absolute or indisputable rules or principles

that can be developed to decide if an action is ethical or unethical. Put simply, different people or groups may dispute which actions are ethical or unethical depending on their own personal self-interest and specific attitudes, beliefs, and values. How, therefore, are we and companies and their managers to decide what is ethical and act accordingly?


Ethical Dilemma: The quandary people experience when they must decide whether or not they should act in a way that benefits someone else even if it harms others and isn’t in their own self interest.

Ethics: The inner-guiding moral principles and values people use to analyze a situation and decide what is “right.”

The above Figure 1: Sample Page text was copied from:, page 141

CodeLibrary.js code

/* Browser Detection Script begins here. */

var theDOM1 = (document.getElementById) ? true : false;

/* theApp will contain the browser name */

var theApp = navigator.appName.toLowerCase();

/* UA (user agent) contains detailed browser info. For example,

UA for Internet Explorer on Mac would be 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible;

msie 5.0; mac_powerpc)' */

var UA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

/* variables for the two major browsers in existence today. */

var isIE = (UA.indexOf('msie') >= 0) ? true : false;

var isNS = (UA.indexOf('mozilla') >= 0) ? true : false;

/* 'compatible' text string is only in non-Netscape browsers */

if (UA.indexOf('compatible')>0){

isNS = false;


/* platform */

var thePlatform = navigator.platform.toLowerCase();

var isMAC = (UA.indexOf('mac') >= 0) ? true : false;

var isWIN = (UA.indexOf('win') >= 0) ? true : false;

/* Most UNIX users use X-Windows so this detects UNIX most of

the time.*/

var isUNIX = (UA.indexOf('x11') >= 0) ? true : false;

/* browser version */

var version = navigator.appVersion;

var isMajor = parseInt( version );

/* Internet Explorer version 5 on the Mac reports itself as version

4. This code corrects the problem. */

if(isIE && isMAC) {

if(UA.indexOf("msie 5")) {

isMajor = 5;

var stringLoc = UA.indexOf("msie 5");

version = UA.substring(stringLoc + 5, stringLoc + 8);



/* Internet Explorer version 6 on Windows reports itself as version

4. This code corrects the problem. */

if(isIE && isWIN) {

if(UA.indexOf("msie 6")) {

isMajor = 6;

var stringLoc = UA.indexOf("msie 6");

version = UA.substring(stringLoc + 5, stringLoc + 8);


if(UA.indexOf("msie 5.5")) {

isMajor = 5;

var stringLoc = UA.indexOf("msie 5.5");

version = UA.substring(stringLoc + 5, stringLoc + 8);



/* Netscape 6 reports itself as version 5 on all platforms.

This code corrects the problem. */

if(isNS && isMajor>4) {

if(UA.indexOf("netscape6")) {

isMajor = 6;

var stringLoc = UA.indexOf("netscape6");

version = UA.substring(stringLoc + 10, stringLoc + 14);



var isMinor = parseFloat( version );

/* a function to report browser info */

function getBrowserInfo(){

var temp="<p>";

temp += "User Agent: " + UA + "<br>";

temp += "Platform: " + thePlatform + "<br>";

temp += "Macintosh: " + isMAC + "<br>";

temp += "Windows: " + isWIN + "<br>";

temp += "Application: " + theApp + "<br>";

temp += "Version: " + version + "<br>";

temp += "Netscape: " + isNS + "<br>";

temp += "Internet Explorer: " + isIE + "<br>";

temp += "Major Version: " + isMajor + "<br>";

temp += "Full Version: " + isMinor + "<br>";

temp += "<br>";

if (theDOM1){

temp += "You appear to have a modern browser.<br>";

temp += "Netscape 6, IE 6, or IE5Mac are recommended.";


temp += "Alert! Your browser is obsolete.<br>";

temp += "You may enjoy the Web more if you upgrade.";


temp +="<\/p>";

return temp;


/* End of browser detection code */

/* Convert object name string or object reference

into a valid object reference */

function getObj(elementID){

if (typeof elementID == "string") {

return document.getElementById(elementID);


return elementID;



/* Object Motion and Position Scripts */

/*This function places a positionable object (obj) in

three dimensions (x,y, and z).*/

function shiftTo(obj,x,y,z){

var newObj = getObj(obj); = x + "px"; = y + "px"; = z;


/*This function gets the x coordinate of a positionable


function getObjX(obj){

return parseInt(getObj(obj).style.left);


/*This function gets the y coordinate of a positionable


function getObjY(obj){

return parseInt(getObj(obj);


/*This function gets the z-index of a positionable


function getObjZ(obj){

return parseInt(getObj(obj).style.zIndex);


/*The emptyNode() function loops through the array of

child nodes and removes each one.*/

function emptyNode(elementID){

var theNode = getObj(elementID);

for (i=0;i<theNode.childNodes.length;i++){




/*This function gets the available width of the window.*/

function getAvailableWidth(){

var theWidth=null;

/*Netscape uses window.innerWidth */

if (window.innerWidth) {

theWidth = window.innerWidth;


/*IE uses document.body.clientWidth */

if (document.body.clientWidth) {

theWidth = document.body.clientWidth;


return theWidth;


/*This function gets the available height of the window.

IE6.0 on Windows has a bug and returns null.*/

function getAvailableHeight(){

var theHeight = null;

/*Netscape uses window.innerHeight */

if (window.innerHeight) {

theHeight = window.innerHeight;


/*IE uses document.body.clientHeight */

if (document.body.clientHeight) {

theHeight = document.body.clientHeight;


return theHeight;


/*This function sets the total height and width of the


function setWindowSize(w,h){



/*This function sets the size of the window to cover all

of the screen.*/

function maximizeWindow(){




/* Redirects visitors who are using outdated browsers.*/

function checkDOM(newlocation){

if (!theDOM1){




/* This function changes the cursor.

The second argument is optional. */

function setCursor(cursortype,thisobj){

if (UA.indexOf("msie 5")>=0){

if (cursortype == 'pointer') { cursortype='hand'; }


if (thisobj==null){ = cursortype;


getObj(thisobj).style.cursor = cursortype;



/*Set the background color of an object*/

function setBackground(thisobj, color){

getObj(thisobj).style.background = color;


/*Set the text color of an object*/

function setColor(thisobj, color){

getObj(thisobj).style.color = color;


/*Setting the visibility of an object*/

function setVisibility(obj,vis){

var theObj = getObj(obj);

if (vis == true || vis=='visible' || vis=='y'){ = "visible";

}else{ = "hidden";



/*Getting the visibility of an object*/

function isVisible(obj) {

var theObj = getObj(obj);





/*Setting the display of an object*/

function setDisplay(obj,dis){

var theObj = getObj(obj);

if (dis==true || dis=='block' || dis=='y'){ = "block";


if (dis==false || dis=='n'){ = "none";

}else{ = dis;




/*Getting the display of an object*/

function isDisplayed(obj) {

var theObj = getObj(obj);




/*Set the clip region of an object*/

function setClip(obj,top,right,bottom,left){

var theObj = getObj(obj);

var r = 'rect('+top+'px,'+right+'px,'+bottom+'px,'+left+'px)'; = r;
